World Junior Teams Championship

This article covers all of the Teams events in the World Bridge Federation youth program —in principle including experimental or obsolete events for age-limited teams, which are not now part of WBF Youth Bridge.
World Junior Pairs Championship covers all of the Pairs and Individuals events.


The World Junior Teams Championship is a bridge competition for zonal teams of players up to about 25 years old.[N 1][N 2]

Zonal signifies both organization by the World Bridge Federation (WBF) and qualification in eight WBF zones; for example (2006, 2008), six teams qualify from 'Europe' defined by European Bridge League membership. Zones may require national representation; for example, the six European teams must represent six member nations of the EBL.

The oldest event, sometimes called the Junior Teams without qualification, dates from 1987 with some changes in definition. Today that is the "open" u-26 tournament (Juniors) in contrast to the u-26 for women (Girls) and the open u-21 (Youngsters). It has been held every two years, odd-number years to 2005 and even years from 2006. Competitors vie for the Ortiz-Patiño Trophy, presented by WBF President Emeritus Jaime Ortiz-Patiño who conceived the idea while serving as WBF President in 1985. The even-year tournaments officially constitute the World Youth Teams Championships for so-called juniors, girls, and youngsters. The entries are national teams, representing countries affiliated with the WBF via membership in the eight geographical "zonal organizations". Moreover, they must qualify within their zones, usually by high standing in a zonal championship tournament that is limited to one team per member nation.

The 2008 junior teams championships were part of the inaugural World Mind Sports Games in Beijing, China. Denmark won its second gold medal, beating Poland in the final, while Norway won the bronze. The 1st Games also included under-28[N 1] and under-21 team championships won by Norway and France. Under-21 and u-26 are part of the WBF youth program (namely, two of the three World Youth Teams Championships) but u-28 is not.[N 2]

In 2010 Israel defeated France in the Juniors final while China won the bronze medal. The event was part of the newly christened World Bridge Series that also included World Young Ladies Teams and under-21 World Youngsters Teams, both won by Poland.[1]

2011. At the 2nd World Youth Congress, "Ned Juniors" comprising four players from the Netherlands won the main teams event, a six-day tournament with 27 entries. Ned Juniors won the full-day 56-deal final by 131 to 60 IMPs against "Arg Uru" from Argentina and Uruguay. Meanwhile "Ned Rum", with one Dutch pair and one transnational pair from Romania and the United States, won third place against "France".[2][N 3]

Arg Uru led the preliminary round-robin from which eight teams advanced to full-day knockout matches, and its second-place finish matched that by Argentina in 1989, the best finish for any youth players from outside Europe and North America.[3]

The Youth Congress in odd-number years is transnational: pairs and teams comprising players from different bridge nations are eligible to enter. Transnational teams finished second and third in the main event, but 23 of 27 entries have team names which imply nationality. Medal ceremonies raise the national flag and play the national anthem is the gold medal winner is national in composition.


The Junior Teams event (or tournament in a narrow sense) officially became part of the plural "World Youth Teams Championships" when a tournament for under-21 players was initiated. Beginning 2009, teams events were added to the WBF youth program for odd-number years, contested immediately prior to the older events for pairs in the newly-christened "World Youth Congress".

Odd-year teams events are distinct from the older series of teams championships (now biennial in even years) and even-year pairs events are distinct from the older series of pairs championships (now biennial in odd years). Some conditions differ.

This article covers all "world championships" for youth teams while World Junior Pairs Championship covers all "world championships" for youth pairs or individuals.


The Youth Teams series has moved around the world, with only one of the last 10 renditions in Europe. Meanwhile all eight renditions (to 30 August 2011) now counted in the Youth Pairs series have been in Europe.[4]

The distinct Youth Congress has been held 2009 in Turkey and 2011 in Croatia.


The World Youth Teams Championships now comprise three concurrent events or flights: the original Juniors, the Youngsters from 2004, and the Girls from 2010. The latter are sometimes called "Schools" and "Young Ladies", as they were christened in Europe before adoption at the world level.

The Juniors format has evolved. Currently all three flights determine three medalists. They end with a knockout stage and a playoff between losing semifinalists; that is, two concluding matches determine first and third places.


The Netherlands won the inaugural world championship for junior teams in 1987 and won the Bermuda Bowl in 1993 with three of the recent junior players: Boer, Leufkens, and Westra. No other junior teams champions have so quickly won the Bermuda Bowl.

Year, Site, Entries Juniors Medalists
1987 [5]

Amsterdam, Netherlands

5 teams

1.   Netherlands
Wubbo de Boer, Jan Jansma, Enri Leufkens, Marcel Nooijen, Rob van Wel, Berry Westra
2. France
Bénédicte Cronier, Alexis Damamme, Christian Desrousseaux, Franck Multon, Jean-Christophe Quantin, (François Crozet)*
3. USA
Guy Doherty, Jon Heller, Billy Hsieh, Asya Kamsky, Aaron Silverstein
1989 [6]

Nottingham, England

8 teams

1. Great Britain
John Hobson, Derrick Patterson, John Pottage, Andrew Robson, Gerald Tredinnick, Stuart Tredinnick
2. Argentina
Alejandro Bianchedi, Marcelo Cloppet, Juan Quitegui, Claudio Varela, (Alexis Pejacsevich, Leonardo Rizzo)*
3. France
Alexis Damamme, Christian Desrousseaux, Pierre-Jean Louchart, Franck Multon, Jean-Christophe Quantin
1991 [7]

Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA

12 teams

1. USA 2 [N 4]
Martha Benson, John Diamond, Jeff Ferro, Brian Platnick, Wayne Stuart, Debbie Zuckerberg
2. Canada
Mark Caplan, Fred Gitelman, Bronia Gmach, Geoff Hampson, Michael Roberts, Eric Sutherland
3. Australia
Robert Fruewirth, Matthew Mullamphy, Peter Newman, John Spooner, Ben Thompson, Jim Wallis
1993 [8]

Aarhus, Denmark

15 teams

1. Germany
Guido Hopfenheit, Marcus Joest, Klaus Reps, Roland Rohowsky, (Rolf Kühn, Frank Pioch)**
2. Norway
Lasse Aaseng, Geir Helgemo, Svein Gunnar Karlberg, Espen Kvam, Jørgen Molberg, Kurt-Ove Thomassen
3. USA 1[N 4]
Jeff Ferro, Eric Greco, Leni Holtz, Rich Pavlicek Jr., Kevin Wilson, Debbie Zuckerberg
1995 [9]

Bali, Indonesia

12 teams

1. Great Britain
Jeffrey Allerton, Danny Davies, Jason Hackett, Justin Hackett, Phil Souter, Tom Townsend
2. New Zealand
David Ackerley, Ashley Bach, Ishmael Del'Monte, Nigel Kearney, Charles Ker, Scott Smith
3. Denmark
Freddy Brøndum, Mathias Bruun, Nicolai Kampmann, Lars Lund Madsen, Morten Lund Madsen, Jacob Røn
1997 [10]

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

18 teams

1. Denmark
Freddy Brøndum, Mik Kristensen, Lars Lund Madsen, Morten Lund Madsen, Mikkel Bensby Nøhr, Jacob Røn
2. Norway
Boye Brogeland, Thomas Charlsen, Espen Erichsen, Christer Kristoffersen, Bjørn Morten Mathisen, Øyvind Saur
3. Russia
Arseni Chour, Youri Khiouppenen, Jouri Khokhlov, Dmitri Lobov, Alexander Petrunin, Boris Sazonov
1999 [11]

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA  

16 teams

1. Italy
Bernardo Biondo, Mario D'Avossa, Riccardo Intonti, Matteo Mallardi, (Furio Di Bello, Stelio Di Bello)**
2. USA 2 [N 4]
Tom Carmichael, Eric Greco, Chris Willenken, Joel Wooldridge, (Chris Carmichael, David Wiegand)*
3. Denmark
Gregers Bjarnarson, Anders Hagen, Kasper Konow, Mik Kristensen, Morten Lund Madsen, Mikkel Bensby Nøhr
2001 [12]

Mangaratiba, Brazil

17 teams

1. USA 1[N 4]
Brad Campbell, Joe Grue, John Hurd, John Kranyak, Kent Mignocchi, Joel Wooldridge
2. Israel
Asaf Amit, Inon Liran, Yossi Roll, Ranny Schneider, Yaniv Vax, Aran Warzawsky
3. Denmark
Michael Askgaard, Gregers Bjarnarson, Kåre Gjaldbæk, Jonas Houmøller, Andreas Marquardsen, Martin Schaltz
2003 [13]

Saint-Cloud, Paris, France

16 teams

1. Italy
Furio Di Bello, Stelio Di Bello, Ruggiero Guariglia, Fabio Lo Presti, Francesco Mazzadi, Stefano Uccello
2. Denmark
Kåre Gjaldbæk, Boje Henriksen, Bjørg Houmøller, Jonas Houmøller, Andreas Marquardsen, Martin Schaltz
3. USA 2[N 4]
Kevin Bathurst, Joe Grue, John Hurd, John Kranyak, Kent Mignocchi, Joel Wooldridge
2005 [14]

Sydney, Australia
(Juniors only[15])

18 teams

1. USA 1[N 4]
Ari Greenberg Jr., Joe Grue, John Hurd, John Kranyak, Justin Lall, Joel Wooldridge
2. Poland
Konrad Araszkiewicz, Krzysztof Buras, Jacek Kalita, Krzysztof Kotorowicz, Piotr Mądry, Wojciech Strzemecki
3. Canada
Tim Capes, Vincent Demuy, David Grainger, Charles Halasi, Daniel Lavee, Gavin Wolpert
2006 [16]

Bangkok, Thailand

18 teams

1. USA 1[N 4]
Josh Donn, Jason Feldman, Ari Greenberg Jr., Joe Grue, John Kranyak, Justin Lall
2. Italy
Andrea Boldrini, Stelio Di Bello, Francesco Ferrari, Fabio Lo Presti, Alberto Sangiorgio, Matteo Sbarigia
3. Singapore
Alex Loh, Choon Chou Loo, Kelvin Ng, Hua Poon, Fabian Tan, Li Yu Tan
2008 [17]

Beijing, China

18 teams

1. Denmark
Dennis BILDE, Anne-Sofie HOULBERG, Jonas HOUMOLLER, Emil JEPSEN, Lars Kirkegaard NIELSEN, Martin SCHALTZ
2. Poland
3. Norway
2010 [18]

Philadelphia, USA

17 teams

1. Israel
Eliran Argelazi, Alon Birman, Lotan Fisher, Ron Schwartz, Bar Tarnovski
2. France
Thomas Bessis, Christophe Grosset, Nicolas Lhuissier, Cedric Lorenzini, Quentin Robert, Frederic Volcker
3. China
Yichao Chen, Junjie Hu, Zisu Lin, Yinghao Liu, Yinpei Shao, Di Zhuo
* Crozet in 1987, Pejacsevich–Rizzo in 1989, and C. Carmichael–Wiegand in 1999 did not play enough boards in order to qualify for second place
** Kühn–Pioch in 1993 and F. Di Bello–S. Di Bello in 1999 did not play enough boards in order to qualify for the title of World Champion


Year, Site, Entries Youngsters Medalists
2010 [18]

Philadelphia, USA

16 teams

1.   Poland
Pawel Jassem, Tomasz Maciej Jochymski, Wojciech Kazmierczak, Mateusz Mroczkowski, Adam Smieszkol, Piotr Tuczynski
2. England
3. Netherlands
Leeuwen, Leufkens, Nab, Philipsen, Verbeek, Wackwitz
2008 [17]

Beijing, China

18 teams

1. France
2. England
3. China
2006 [16]

Bangkok, Thailand

16 teams

1. Israel
2. Latvia
3. Poland
2004 [15]

New York City, USA  
(Youngsters only[15])

6 teams

1. Poland
2. Israel
Argelazi, Assaraf, Birman, Ofir
3. Norway
Eide, Lindqvist, Livgard, Simonsen


Year, Site, Entries Girls Medalists
2010 [18]

Philadelphia, USA

4 teams

1.   Poland
Grabowska, Holeksa, Kazmucha, Sakowska, Krawczyk, Zmuda, Borusiewicz
2. France
3. China

Youth Congress

The World Youth Congress is a distinct meet in odd years with transnational entries permitted in all teams and pairs events. It was inaugurated 2009 in Istanbul, Turkey; reiterated 2011 in Opatija, Croatia.

40 teams entered the main event at the 1st World Youth Congress in 2009. At least two-thirds of the team names, and more among the strong performers, suggest a single nationality. "Japan Czech" won the final against "Italy Red" while "USA 1" won third place against "Netherlands Red". Evidently 8 teams advanced from preliminary play to knockout matches and there were no playoffs to distinguish any of the quarterfinal losers, 5th to 8th places.[19]

(Some of the main events for teams at WBF meets are scheduled so that preliminary and quarterfinal losers are eligible to enter a secondary event that begins during the main event semifinals. For others only preliminary losers are available to enter the first stage of another event. For example, the 2nd World Youth Congress in 2011, the secondary BAM teams event was a consolation tournament initially among preliminary losers, the 9th to 27th place teams in the main prelim. Quarterfinal losers in the main event joined the consolation on its second day.[3])

27 teams entered at the 2nd Congress in 2011, all but four having team names that suggest a single nationality.[3]

Year, Site, Entries   Medalists
2009 [19]

1st Youth Congress
Istanbul, Turkey

40 teams

1.   Japan Czech
Noriaki KOIKE (Jap), Michal KOPECKY (Cze), Milan MACURA (Cze), Hiroaki MIURA (Jap)
2. Italy Red
Massimiliano DI FRANCO, Arrigo FRANCHI, Andrea MANNO, Aldo PAPARO
3. USA 1
Jason CHIU, Kevin DWYER, Kevin FAY, Jeremy FOURNIER, Justin LALL, Matthew MECKSTROTH
4. Netherlands Red
2011 [3]

2nd Youth Congress
Opatija, Croatia

27 teams

1. NED Juniors
Berend van den BOS, Aarnout HELMICH, Gerbrand HOP, Joris van LANKVELD
Maximo CRUSIZIO (Arg), Felipe Jose FERRO (Arg), Rodrigo GARCIA DA ROSA (Uru), Alejandro SCANAVINO (Arg)  
Marius AGICA (USA), Bob DRIJVER (Ned), Radu NISTOR (Rom), Ernst WACKWITZ (Ned)
4. France
World Championships & Events (double overview). World Bridge Federation.
World Youth Congress. World Bridge Federation.

The World Youth Congress (to conclude 29 August 2011) will include "world championships" for teams, pairs, and individuals, each with Juniors and Youngsters flights if the number of u-21 entries is sufficient. There will also be secondary contests with alternative forms of scoring, board-a-match teams and IMP pairs(*).

Some of these events may officially continue "world championships" for junior players contested before 2009: miscellaneous ones, not those now held in even-number years: biennial (zonal) World Youth Teams Championships and quadrennial World Bridge Games.

For the World Bridge Games, among 96 junior pairs in the final and 30 in the consolation, the WBF lists 124 co-national pairs, one England–Wales (because the Olympic movement recognizes Great Britain teams?), and one Argentina–Chile (why?).[1]

The 2011 events for teams and pairs will be transnational in that entries may comprise players from different countries and open in that there is no preliminary qualification at zonal level.

Here is a list of pertinent past championships.


2009 only(*), World Juniors Teams Championship to Date (Board-a-match), World Youth Congress. WBF.
2009 only, World Juniors Teams Championship to Date (Swiss), World Youth Congress. WBF.
2002 only, junior flight of the IOC Grand Prix[20]


2009 only(*), World Juniors IMP Pairs Championships to Date (IMPs), World Youth Congress. WBF.
2006 only, youngsters pairs World Youngsters Pairs Championship to Date, World Youth Congress. WBF.
1995-2009, every two/three years World Juniors MP Pairs Championships to Date (matchpoints), World Youth Congress. WBF.


2000 only, junior flight of the World Masters Individual Championships, World Masters Individual. WBF.
2004 only, World Juniors Individual Championship to Date, World Youth Congress. WBF.

University students

"under the auspices of the FISU".World University Team Cup. WBF.

Teams comprise university student players from one nation, not one university.(2010 conditions[21])

Europe 1993 to 2001 (worldwide in 2000 and 2001)[22][23]

1992 Antwerp World University Chess Championship, Lode Lambeets attended and initiated the same for bridge (2002)
1993 Antwerp, EBL President Paul Magerman
1994 DEN (2002)
1996 NED (2008)
1997 NED
1998 DEN
1999 NED
Hagen of Denmark 2002 "He began in Palermo in 1997 and missed only the 1999 edition when he preferred to take part in the Junior World Championships being held in Florida at the same time." (2002)
2001 NED
2005 NOR[24]
2000 0826-0902 Maastricht, Netherlands

Bridge Olympiades (11th Olympiad)
1st World University Teams Bridge Cup (conditions)[25]: "Players must be students of a recognized University, between 17 and 28 years of age. Each country may enter one representative team."

24 entries; Austria, Italy, Denmark
Europe (16): 123456789 579 0234
21! rounds, first 7 of 14 days[26]
Romania and Turkey listed 23/24 at WBFdatabase did not participate
2002 08 04/13 Bruges, Belgium[22]

EBL from 199x, worldwide 2000, FISU 2002

13 entries: Denmark [1994, 1998], Italy, Netherlands [four recent]
Denmark, Italy, Netherlands, Poland
Europe (11): 12345689 11 12 13
2004 1031/1106 Istanbul, Turkey[27]

alongside 12th Olympiad

15 entries; Poland, Belgium, USA
VP 284 276 247[28]
Europe (12): 124689 012345
17 to 27 at beginning of year (may turn 28)[29]
Anti-Doping, Open and Women only
2006 10-21/26 Tianjin, China[24]
27 entries; China A, USA, Poland B;
Europe (16): 2345678 123578 026
champion, Tianjin Normal University
contenders CHN 25:5 USA, USA 17:13 POL, POL 22:8 CHN
VP 508 492 472[30]
2008 09 03/08 Lodz, Poland[23]
21 entries; Netherlands A, Poland A, Norway A

first European (EUC) 1993 Antwerp, initiator Paul Magerman, son Geert M is now technical delegate FISU

Netherlands EUC champion 1996,97,99,01
Netherlands runaway Marion Michielsen–Meike Wortel [Marjon en Maaike], Bob Drijver–Merijn Groenenboom, Danny Molenaar–Tim Verbeek.
three Bulletins only, evidently days 1 to 3
2010 08-02/09 Kaohsiung, Taiwan[31]
organized by FISU and the Chinese Taipei University Sports Federation (CTUSF); supervised and assisted by other Chinese Taipei bodies; conducted under WBF technical rules
round-robin teams-of-four; as many as two teams per nation, six players per team
citizens born 1982—1992 (up to 28 during calendar 2010)
current student registered in degree program or completed degree program preceding year
"For the purpose of opening and closing ceremonies, the participating delegations are requested to bring with them 2 national/regional flags (96 x 144cm) as duly registered with FISU."
14 entries; Poland, France, Israel
Poland in a runaway (11-1-1, average 21.3+ VP!); by IMPs the three Poland pairs ranked 1-2, 3-4 and 15-16 among all 73 participating players
USA B fourth but slaughtered by Poland, France, Israel (18 total; average 21 in other matches; 8-4-1)
Poland winner +31 VP before final round![32]
POL 276 FRA 238 ISR 232
Europe (6): 12359 14
2012 07-10/15 Reims, France[33]
Year n Champion Runners up




13 Denmark
Michael Askgaard, Gregers Bjanarson, Anders Hagen, Kasper Konow,


15 Poland
Krzysztof BURAS, Jacek KALITA, Krzysztof KOTOROWICZ, Piotr MADRY, Grzegorz NARKIEWICZ, Wojciech STRZEMECKI  


27 China A
Jing JIN, Xin LI, Jing LIU, Shu LIU, Yan LIU, Yan WANG


21 Netherlands A
Marion Michielsen–Meike Wortel [Marjon en Maaike], Bob Drijver–Merijn Groenenboom, Danny Molenaar–Tim Verbeek


14 Poland
2012[33] July 10–15, Reims, France

See also


  1. ^ a b Now "under-26" (u-26, U26) means that players must be under 26 at the end of the calendar year. So they may celebrate their 25th birthdays during the year; Junior competition during calendar 2011 is restricted to players born 1986 and later. Most world championship tournaments are played during summer and fall seasons; more than half but not all players are eligible to compete once after their 25th birthdays. The European Bridge League demarcations are u-26 (junior) and u-21 (youngster). It appears that the WBF plans to use the same restrictions universally after the first World Bridge Games (2008).
  2. ^ a b For three years WBF has called the under-28 bridge tournaments at the first Games exceptional, and said that the quadrennial Games would henceforth feature the u-26 and u-21 categories that are now standard in bridge.
    According to a July 2011 announcement, however, the World Youth Teams will not be part of the 2nd Games (August 2012). Rather, the Mind Sports Games will again feature u-28 teams and the now-three flights of World Youth Teams will be held July/August in Cuba. Youth Bridge Schedule Changes. Central America & Caribbean Bridge Federation. Quoting the ACBL Daily Bulletin, Summer 2012 NABC. Confirmed 2011-10-04.
  3. ^ (Board 1, Session 3) Here is the information online for every single deal, available by linking down via the "Results (linked schedule)". Bidding and play are not available for this match or event.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g 'USA 1' and 'USA 2' were the first and second qualifying teams from the US. Except in the World Mind Sports Games (2008), the United States has been represented by two national teams in the Juniors flight from 1991 and in all renditions of the Youngsters flight. They have been designated '1' and '2' except 'red' and 'blue' in the first two Youngsters. See World Youth Team Championships and its subpages.


  1. ^ These 2010 events were the inaugural youth team championship for women and the fourth biennial rendition for under-21 teams (now won by Poland, Israel, France, and Poland). World Youth Team Championships to Date (2010). World Bridge Federation. Confirmed 2011-07-11. This WBF table heads the columns 'Juniors', 'Youngsters', and 'Girls'.
  2. ^ Results (F=final), ... —it really is the final scoreboard for this event, not the 9th European Champions' Cup ...
  3. ^ a b c d Results (contemporary coverage), 2nd World Youth Bridge Congress, 2011. WBF. (At the moment, hours after the conclusion, today's "Final" is incorrectly linked to yesterday's semifinal results.) Perhaps by next week the results should be available at the main WBF site, alongside 2009, as well as the top page for contemporary coverage.
  4. ^ World Youth Pairs Championships to Date. World Youth Congress. WBF.
  5. ^ Results & Participants, 1st World Youth Team Championship, 1987. WBF.
  6. ^ Results & Participants, 2nd World Youth Team Championship, 1989. WBF.
  7. ^ Results & Participants, 3rd World Youth Team Championship, 1991. WBF.
  8. ^ Results & Participants, 4th World Youth Team Championship, 1993. WBF.
  9. ^ Results & Participants, 5th World Youth Team Championship, 1995. WBF.
  10. ^ Results & Participants, 6th World Youth Team Championship, 1997. WBF.
  11. ^ Results & Participants, 7th World Youth Team Championship, 1999. WBF.
  12. ^ Results & Participants, 8th World Youth Team Championship, 2001. WBF.
  13. ^ Results & Participants, 9th World Youth Team Championship, 2003. WBF.
  14. ^ Results & Participants, 10th World Youth Team Championship, 2005. WBF.
  15. ^ a b c The first Youngsters event (u-21) was 2004 in New York, which the WBF now covers jointly with the 2003 Juniors (u-26). The two events have been concurrent in even-number years from 2006. Results & Participants, 9th World Youth Team Championship, 2003. WBF. World Youth Team Championships. WBF.
  16. ^ a b Results & Participants 11th World Youth Team Championships, 2006. WBF.
  17. ^ a b Results & Participants (Youth Teams events), 1st World Mind Sports Games, 2008. WBF.
  18. ^ a b c Results & Participants (Youth Teams events), 13th World Series Championships, 2010. WBF.
  19. ^ a b Results & Participants (Juniors Swiss), 1st World Youth Congress, 2009. WBF.
  20. ^ Results and Participants, 4th IOC Grand Prix, 2002. WBF.
  21. ^ a b ?
  22. ^ a b c Bridge 2002. FISU.
  23. ^ a b c Bridge 2008. FISU.
  24. ^ a b c Bridge 2006. FISU. (Tianjin Normal University Sports Department)
  25. ^ (format) 11th World Bridge .... WBF.
  26. ^ 11th World Bridge Team Olympiad. WBF.
  27. ^ a b Bridge 2004. FISU. (Universite Sporlari Federasyonu)
  28. ^ Round 15.
  29. ^ (information) 12th World Team Olympiad. WBF.
  30. ^ Bulletin 2006:7.
  31. ^ a b 5th World University Bridge Championship. 2010. (National Sun-Yat Sen University) Chinese Taipei University Sports Federation.
  32. ^ a b Bulletin 9. 2010-08-10.
  33. ^ a b Bridge 2012. FISU. (2012 WUC BRIDGE)
  34. ^ Results & Participants, 1st World University Team Championship, 2000. WBF.
  35. ^ Results & Participants, 2nd World University Team Championship, 2004. WBF.
  36. ^ Results & Participants, 3rd World University Team Cup, 2006. WBF.
  37. ^ Results & Participants, 4th World University Team Cup, 2008. WBF.

External links